Джемпер Denim Crush
Размеры: S - M - L - XL - XXL – XXXL
Вам потребуется: пряжа DROPS AIR от Garnstudio 150-200-200-200-250-250 гр., цвет 10, «Туман»; 150-200-200-200-250-250 гр., цвет 17, «Джинс»; 100-100-100-100-100-150 гр., цвет 09, тёмно-синий; 50-50-50-50-50-50 гр., цвет 01, натуральный; чулочные и круговые спицы (40 и 80 см) № 9 мм, чулочные и круговые спицы № 8 мм для резинки. Далее

@темы: Вязаные модели, Джемпер

Свитер Warm Fall

Размеры: S - M - L - XL - XXL - XXXL
Вам потребуется: пряжа DROPS ESKIMO от Garnstudio 550-600-650-750-800-900 гр. цвет 13, верблюжий; чулочные и круговые спицы (60 или 80 см) № 10 мм; спицы № 9 мм – для резинки.
Плотность вязания: 9 п. х 12 р. лицевой гладью = 10 x 10 см. Далее

@темы: Свитер, Вязаные модели

Джемпер Sheep Happens!

Размеры: S - M - L - XL - XXL - XXXL

Вам потребуется: пряжа DROPS MERINO EXTRA FINE от Garnstudio 450-500-550-600-650-700 гр. цвет 05, светло-серый; 100-100-100-100-100-100 g colour 19, светлый серо-голубой; 50-50-50-50-50-50 гр. цвет 01, натуральный; 50-50-50-50-50-50 гр. цвет 02, черный; или
DROPS LIMA от Garnstudio 450-500-550-600-650-750 гр. цвет 9015, серый; 100-100-100-100-100-100 гр. цвет 6235, серо-голубой; 50-50-50-50-50-50 гр. цвет 0100, натуральный; 50-50-50-50-50-50 гр. цвет 8903, черный; чулочные и круговые спицы (40 и 80 см) № 4 мм; спицы № 3 мм – для резинки. Далее

@темы: Вязаные модели, Джемпер

Джемпер Golden Fairy
Размеры: S - M - L - XL - XXL - XXXL
Вам потребуется: пряжа DROPS LIMA от Garnstudio 550-600-650-700-800-850 гр. цвет 2923, золото;
или DROPS COTTON MERINO от Garnstudio 500-550-600-650-700-800 гр. цвет 15, горчица; чулочные и круговые спицы (40 и 80 см) № 4 мм; спицы № 3.5 мм для резинки и платочной вязки.
Плотность вязания: 21 п. х 28 р. лицевой гладью = 10 x 10 см. 1 раппорт узора A.2 (18 п.) = ок. 7½ см в ширину.
Платочная вязка (вязание вкруговую): 1 платочный ряд = 2 круговых ряда: 1 ряд лицевых и 1 ряд изнаночных петель.

Схема узора: см. схемы A.1-A.4. Выберите схемы для вашего размеры (A.1 и A.4). Далее

@темы: Вязаные модели, Джемпер

Книга по вязанию крючком. 13 восхитительных салфеток, которые подойдут к любому домашнему декору. Ананасы, филе, гребешки - вот неполный перечень узоров представленных в книге.
From whimsical to lacy, the 13 doilies in this collection fit any home décor. All are made using crochet cotton thread from sizes 30, 20, and 10 to size-5 perle cotton. Beginning crocheters will enjoy honing their skills with these easy-level designs. Pineapples, filet, shells, and scallops are just a few of the types of stitches and techniques taught in this wonderful book of doilies.

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@темы: Вязание

For many of us, afghans are the epitome of comfort. Colorful and inviting, they are a staple of the home, without which a living room or bedroom just wouldn't feel complete. And whether you're making one for yourself, as a housewarming gift, or to welcome a new baby into the world, the process of creating a handmade afghan can be as rewarding as the finished product. This sampler from Comfort Knitting & Crochet: Afghans is intended for knitters of every skill level, and brings new life to the well-loved and versatile afghan.

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@темы: Вязание

Great Australian Quilts является журналом, который демонстрирует 5 лучших проектов австралийских квилтеров. Каждый проект иллюстрирует уникальный стиль Квилтерс и технику, приглашая читателей изнутри познакомиться с различными советами и опытом, тем, что они должны делать в своих Quilters проектах. Журнал дает читателям возможность сделать подобные работы.
Great Australian Quilts is a one-off magazine that highlights five award-winning Australian quilters to showcase their projects. Each project illustrates the quilters' unique style and technique, inviting readers an inside look into the different tips and experiences that they have to share in their quilt-making process. Great Australian Quilts gives readers the chance to practice these artisans work with the sample projects available in the magazine.

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@темы: Пэчворк, квилт, Great Australian Quilts

Celebrate the season with 30 colorful and charming paper-quilling projects for Christmas decorations, ornaments, gift tags, greeting cards, and more. Christmas is the perfect time to brighten your home and delight friends and family with handmade gifts and decorations. In these 30 beautiful holiday-themed quilling projects, Alli Bartkowski explains how to roll, shape, and glue paper strips into eye-catching framed art, a handsome nutcracker figurine, a lovely snowflake ornament, colorful jewelry, and more. Each project is designed for a specific skill level, and you'll find a comprehensive introduction and step-by-step photos of the essential techniques needed to create basic shapes, elegant typography, and dazzling linear art.

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@темы: Бумаготворчество

No crocheter's home decor is complete without a little yarny goodness. From the foyer to the kitchen and every room in between, Quick Crochet for the Home has easy and fresh patterns you'll love to stitch for all your living spaces. Popular crochet designer Tamara Kelly offers 20 projects that not only stitch up in a flash, but also feature the clean lines and contemporary colors of today's modern home. Make a statement in the living room with the Bold Diagonal Throw Pillow. Stitch up some serenity for the bathroom with the Spa Jar Covers. Add some whimsy to a child's bedroom with the Smart as a Fox Bookends. Wherever your home needs a little more crochet, inside this book you'll find the perfect project to suit your decor.

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@темы: Вязание

Create four fun pictorial quilts with easy-to-use, paint-by-number color keys! These complex quilts may look difficult, but Kerry Foster takes the guesswork out of fabric choice so that you can sew animal portraits with sophisticated areas of light and shadow. Use the included color keys and diagrams to easily choose a palette from your fabric stash and create amazing portraits with turned-edge machine appliqu?. Choose from a fabulous fox, an adorable raccoon, a majestic stag, and a fierce bear!

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@темы: Пэчворк, квилт

Книга по вязанию. Традиционные скандинавские и исландские модели обретают новую жизнь в проектах скандинавских традиций вязания. 25 моделей представлены в оригинальных цветочных мотивах, звезда, геометрических мотивов. С разнообразной коллекцией шляп, варежки, перчатки, носки, гольфы и гетры- вы найдете множество потрясающих, красочных аксессуаров для себя.

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@темы: Вязание

Crochet your own shawls, wraps, capelets and more from this collection of stylish patterns

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@темы: Вязание

Mending Matters explores sewing on two levels: First, it includes more than 20 hands-on projects that showcase current trends in visible mending that are edgy, modern, and bold-but draw on traditional stitching. It does all this through just four very simple mending techniques: exterior patches, interior patches, slow stitches, darning, and weaving. In addition, the book addresses the way mending leads to a more mindful relationship to fashion and to overall well-being. In essays that accompany each how-to chapter, Katrina Rodabaugh explores mending as a metaphor for appreciating our own naturally flawed selves, and she examines the ways in which mending teaches us new skills, self-reliance, and confidence, all gained from making things with our own hands.

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@темы: Шитье

A practical and inspirational book for dressmakers, quilters and embroiderers who have long coveted the style of Japanese clothes, in particular the kimono. Expert dressmaker and quilter Jenni Dobson takes you through the techniques for making Japanese clothes with simple step-by-step processes, but goes further, covering details on Japanese design and the various techniques for embellishing Japanese clothes. Colourfully illustrated with images of finished garments as well as practical diagrams and patterns for dressmaking, the author has deliberately made all the garments accessible even for those with limited experience of dressmaking, but there are plenty of ideas to inspire those more accomplished readers.

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@темы: Шитье

Knit yourself a pair of stunning Latvian mittens with this collection of traditional Latvian mitten knitting patterns. There are 50 different styles to choose from including simpler variations of the mittens such as fingerless gloves and wrist warmers. So, even if you are an inexperienced knitter you can create a beautiful traditional design.

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@темы: Вязание

Classic A-lines, sleeveless summer dresses, and party frocks—learn to sew eighteen-inch doll dresses for every occasion. This huge collection of over forty miniature dress designs includes twenty-eight complete dress patterns, plus thirteen bonus looks created from mix-and-match elements. Plenty of sewing tutorials are included, along with beautiful photography of the stylish dresses. With princess seams, pretty pockets, and a variety of necklines, dressing up your doll has never been so much fun!

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@темы: Игрушки, Креатив-декоратив

Cozy Minimalism isn’t about going without or achieving a particular new, modern style. Nope. It’s simply a mindset that helps you get whatever style YOU LOVE with the fewest possible items.
You want a warm, cozy, inviting home, without using more resources, money, and stuff than needed. Why use more if you don't have to?
In Cozy Minimalist Home, accidental stylist and bestselling author Myquillyn Smith guides you step by step on making purposeful design decisions for your home. You'll have the tools to transform your home starting with what you already have, and using just enough of the right furniture and decor to create a home you're proud of in a way that honors your personal priorities, budget, and style. No more fretting when it comes to decorating your house!

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@темы: Креатив-декоратив

Bring the feel of the countryside into your home with this unique collection of patchwork quilts and gifts from quilt designer, Lynette Anderson. Lynette's inspiration comes from nature, her garden and her animals, and all of these are reflected in this new collection of patterns. The designs in this title feature birds and flowers, with lots of hand embroidery and stitching, including great portable projects for stitching 'on the go'.

All the basic techniques you will need to make and finish off the projects are detailed, from transferring designs onto fabric to binding a finished quilt. Instructions also cover hand stitching techniques for the embroidery. 15 fabulous projects to make including: a sewing basket and scissor holder; lap size quilt using English paper pieced hexagons and elongated hexagons; craft case cover, small wall quilt/stitchery, framed stitchery, plus full-size bed quilts.

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@темы: Пэчворк, квилт

Книга по вязанию крючком, Для рукодельниц, которые любят украшать вещи вязаными цветами, будь то детская шапочка, детское одеяло, детские вещички или головные уборы для взрослых.

If you love to work on projects that are quick and easy to finish, this colorful idea book is for you. 38 easy-to-crochet patterns include super easy-don't make me think!-illustrated step-by-step instructions. Get inspired to make baby beanies and headbands with this gathering of original one-of-a-kind designs. Sweeten your baby's blankets, shoes, and sweaters with crochet flowers, or use them to add an accent wherever you want.

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@темы: Вязание

Книга написана для абсолютных новичков. Она учит основам вязания крючком с шаг за шагом инструкциями и фотографиями. Начиная с очень легкого до более сложного. Вводный раздел охватывает все основы вязания крючком, отбора пряжи и много разного что нужно знать.
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@темы: Вязание