Журнал по вязанию спицами. В этом номере журнала широко обсуждается новая пряжа и вязаные из нее мотивы, а также, какие изделия можно связать из используемых мотивов. Схемы и полное описание вязания, а также рекомендации специалистов имеются.
In this issue, our expert knitters find themselves knitting projects using yarn and techniques that facilitate the task of making cables and knitting Fair Isle color work. When making such projects like baby pullovers, cowls, scarves and hats for children and teens, it's good to have quick and fuss-free options. Several yarns in this issue do the work for you, giving the finished project a Fair Isle look. Uptown Worsted Tapestry and Super Saver Fair Isle yarns will help you along. Check out the mock cables technique used in the Overcast Cap. It's super easy to do and so very attractive, and yes, without crossing stitches. Imagine the time you'll save in preparation for the holidays and gift-giving season! Then, if you wanted to engage in yarny crafts, this being a great time to ask your kids and grandkids to help, see the ornaments made using leftover yarns.
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