Create lovely new "once upon a time" keepsakes with these 44 cross stitch patterns, blending the traditional style of France with a charming contemporary simplicity. The designs are eye-catchingly lovely with their subtle colors, gentle humor, and delicate lines.
Along with the patterns, enjoy instructions for 22 projects to show off your stitchwork: luggage tags, mobiles, cookie tins, quilts, a cuddly toy with its own sleeping bag, and more.

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@темы: Вышивка

На страницах издания вы найдёте замечательную коллекцию состоящую из 20 проектов: романтические розы, анютины глазки, маки, хризантемы, ландыши, ромашки выполненные из хлопка и льна. Чудесными цветами вы можете украсить одежду, сумки, украшения для волос, шляпы, упаковки для подарков. Подробные схемы помогут вам выполнить любой из понравившихся проектов.

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@темы: Вязание, Японские журналы по рукоделию

Following the international success of Magical Amigurumi Toys, designer Lilleliis has dreamt up 15 brand-new animal toys. In her new book Cuddly Amigurumi Toys she once again combines Japanese amigurumi techniques with the teddy bear tradition loved so much throughout Europe and her home country of Estonia to create cuddly companions for babies, toddlers, and school children.
Simon the Horse and Lars the Little Dragon will gladly accompany little ones on their outings, and Klaus the Rabbit will come along too. In the meanwhile, Theodore the Teddy Bear and Mia the cow will be patiently waiting at home for their return. And there are many more soft animals to spark a lot of love and fun. With a couple of simple stitches and colorful yarn, you can start imagining your very own cuddly toys, inspired by and made for the little adventurers in our lives.

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@темы: Игрушки, Вязание

Expand your beadwork skills and discover 10 beautiful beaded projects inspired by nature with this project compilation eBook.
You'll love this if:
You want to learn how to stitch beautiful projects inspired by nature.
You want to learn easy wire working skills and how to incorporate it with your beadwork.
You want to advance your beading skills in techniques like peyote stitch, bead crochet, ladder stitch, and more!
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@темы: Бисероплетение

Журнал из Австралии посвящен рукоделию. Разнообразные рукодельные проекты и идеи в различных стилях под одной обложкой. На страницах журнала читатели найдут статьи о разных видах рукоделия, а также новости в мире hand-made творчества.

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@темы: Шитье

Meet Pica Pau and her amigurumi friends!
They're charming, cheerful and cute, and once you get to know them, they'll never leave your heart. The gentle rhino, the energetic otter, the chatty crocodile, the dreamy donkey and many more: each and every one is a happy member of the Pica Pau band. Toy maker, character designer and crochet knitter Yan Schenkel has gathered many colorful amigurumi around her. In this book, she shares her love and knowledge of amigurumi crochet in 20 new designs, and she also gives away the secret ingredients that go into every single project. All patterns contain detailed instructions and are accompanied by step-by-step pictures and explanations of all techniques used.

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@темы: Игрушки, Вязание

Журнал, в котором собрано множество великолепных, интересных проектов созданных в технике пэчворк и квилт. В каждом выпуске авторы журнала предлагают любителям лоскутного шитья новые, современные проекты для создания одеял, подушек и разных вещей для комфорта и уюта в доме. С предложенными проектами справятся не только опытные мастерицы, но и те кто только начинает создавать вещи в техниках пэчворк или квилт.

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@темы: Шитье, Прочее

Afghans are fun to make, cozy to use and make wonderful gifts! This book is a reference tool you will use for years. You can crochet the 101 afghan stitch patterns in baby-, sport-, worsted or bulky-weight yarn and use your own choice of colors. Stitch patterns have been carefully chosen so they are not to open-weave, not too difficult and not too time-consuming.

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@темы: Вязание

Сборник лучших женских моделей одежды и аксессуаров от Interweave Press выполненные дизайнером Anne Merrow: носки, шарфики, болеро, шапочки.. Коллекция выполнена спицами, различной степени сложности.

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@темы: Вязание

Книга по созданию браслетов с подробными объяснениями и фотографиями.

With Breathtaking Wire Bracelets: 5 DIY Bracelets, you will be able to craft a homemade bracelet that matches your unique personality and style. Whether you prefer the simplicity of the Wire Wrapped Bangles, Chain Maille Rosette Links bracelet, and Bronze Memory Wire Bracelet or the intricacy of the Fierce Animal Print Bangles and Coiled Connection Bead and Wire Bracelet, one of these bracelets will be your new go-to for personal accessorizing and gift-giving. By printing out this free eBook, you will have an amazing resource for the best DIY jewelry crafts around. Get started today making these breathtaking bracelets!

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@темы: Бисероплетение, Прочее

'Woodland Knits' is the first time Stephanie Dosen's most popular and iconic designs have been collected together in print along with a selection of new handknits.

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@темы: Вязание

Книга по рукоделию. Множество интересных идей по созданию одеял, подушек, покрывала в стиле аппликации, вышивки, стежки. Подробные объяснения и фотографии работ помогут в этом.

Pick up your needle and create landscapes filled with fanciful flowers and creatures from field, forest, and ocean. Designer Wendy Williams shows you how to make 15 applique projects in a style that's part folk, part contemporary, and entirely delightful. Easy freezer-paper techniques and wool felt make the stitching go quickly. Add to the fun by embellishing with hand embroidery and machine quilting. Includes 15 projects for all skill levels: quilts, pillows, bags, sewing kit, needle case, and more. New ways to mix wool, cotton, and linen give your applique a fresh look. Includes instructions for 13 embroidery stitches.

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@темы: Креатив-декоратив, Прочее

Absorb the knowledge of more than 20 quilt experts in one place! With hundreds of photographs and illustrations to help you plan your quilting projects, this comprehensive guide answers all of your quiltmaking questions. Included in this reference guide: fabric 101; piecing and applique by hand and machine; understanding color, value, and quilt design; start-to-finish quilt construction; quilting motifs, tips, and tricks; beyond the basics; plus a handy index. It's a must-have for any quilter!

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@темы: Шитье

“A comprehensive book that belongs on every crafts shelf.” —Booklist The latest fashion magazines are full of crocheted pieces, but beginning stitchers looking to tap into the trend might not know where to start. Ultimate Crochet Bible is the ideal guide for anyone casting the first time, but is also the definitive reference for more experienced practitioners who just need to brush up on a technique. Filled with more than 400 images, it explains exactly how to create garments, jewelry, accessories, and more, from the basic chain stitch to finishing touches like a picot trim. Additional topics include creating texture, structure and shaping, color work, and embellishments.New in paperback.

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@темы: Вязание

Книга по вязанию. В поисках идеального образа для трикотажа? Нет необходимости искать дальше, благодаря этой книге - идеи для подарка. Вот 50 вдохновенных проектов на все случаи жизни, начиная с Нового года и Дня святого Валентина до Пасхи, Матери и день отца, градация, Хануку, и Рождества. Предметы для украшения дома, игрушки, личные принадлежности, а также одежда, каждая из которых имеет особый праздник и сезонные штрихи.

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@темы: Вязание

Книга по вязанию.
There are so many reasons that headbands, ear warmers, and other types of head wraps are ever-popular!
They can be used to keep your hair back, block the wind from your ears during outdoor activities, and add a little warmth without resorting to a hat, all while making a chic fashion statement.This book includes 30 headbands in a variety of styles, from traditional skinny bands to lacy mesh beach bands to colorful wide bands great for outdoor exercise. And the details make each one special. You will have fun knitting eye-catching colorwork, twisty cables, and open lace patterns. Best of all, these are all quick knits. You'll have a collection of stunning hair accessories in a flash!

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@темы: Вязание

A wide range of styles, from spaghetti straps to V-necks, fitted bottoms to fun flares, close stitching to open patterning suitable for layeringDesigns worked in warm-weather fibers (cotton, linen) that crochet up so lightweight you'll swear they were knittedVersatile designs that work equally well with skinny or relaxed-fit jeans, trousers, shorts, or skirts, whether you're dressing up or going out to play

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@темы: Вязание

Crochet up to 30 creative blankets that start from just 10 granny squares!

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@темы: Вязание

Книга по плетению из жемчуга. 14 замечательных проектов помогут вам создать свою уникальную вещь.

There are jewelry projects with a more modern twist on them to help you strut your stuff, or you have a handful of pieces that hold true to that more classy elegance that you have been striving for. These instructions will show you how you can string, wire wrap, and stitch different pearl patterns together, so that no two pieces of your DIY jewelry are the same. This collection features our favorite pearl projects that we have been dying to share with you. Trust us, this free eBook will have everyone swooning over how gorgeous you look, and will keep you red carpet ready at all time!

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@темы: Бисероплетение

Красочный журнал для тех, кто увлекается вышиванием крестиком. В журнале собраны красивые и уникальные проекты, которые вдохновят вас на творчество. Любители вышивки найдут для себя множество интересных проектов с высоким качеством цветных диаграмм, которые помогут вам создать красоту и уют в вашем доме, а также порадовать своих родных и друзей чудесными подарками. Схемы, предложенные на страницах журнала, рассчитаны на разный уровень мастерства рукодельниц и помогут вам выполнить любой из понравившихся проектов.

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@темы: Вышивка