Книга по вязанию спицами. Десять уникальных узоров для шапочек, разработанных автором Rachel Coopey из пряжи Baa Ram Ewe Titus. Каждая проект снабжен схемами и подробными инструкциями, а также пошаговыми фото для таких техник, как длинный хвост и стежок Китченера.
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Ten unique accessory patterns for you to knit, designed by Rachel Coopey, in our wonderful Titus yarn. Coop Knits Toasty volume 1, is a collection of original accessory designs. Each pattern has clear charts and full written instructions, and step-by-step photo tutorials are provided for techniques such as Long-tail Cast On and Kitchener Stitch. There are notes on how to customise the patterns for a perfect fit. A range of clearly explained techniques are used – from stranded colourwork to cables, lace and twisted stitches – resulting in a selection of accessories that will fly off the needles to keep you toasty and warm.
Автор: R. Coopey
Издательство: Coopey
Размер: 15 mb
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 56
Язык: Английский