Книга по работе с полимерной глиной, учит как лепить человеческие фигурки. Прекрасные пошаговые фотографии и понятные схемы.The sequel to Katherine Deweys popular book Creating Life-Like Animals in Polymer Clay, this time she pulls out all the stops to teach both novice and accomplished sculptors alike just how she creates the realistic figures she has been renowned for over her 30 year professional career. If you aspire to be a figurative sculptor or already are one, this is a book you must have. In her no-nonsense, show-how-its-done teaching style, Katherine shows with more than 400 full color photos, detailed illustrations, and step-by-step instructions how to do it all. Her modeling methods are not complicated. Rather than relying on classical muscle on bone physiology, she teaches how to sculpt exquisite figurines in any scale using her simple applique approach.